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Cork: a Gift from Nature

  • No trees are damaged or cut during harvesting.
  • Regularly harvested cork tree will absorb and retain five times more CO2 than those that aren’t.
  • Mold, mildew, and fire resistant.
  • Antimicrobial and antistatic.
  • 100% Sustainable & Renewable

  • Antimicrobial, Mould & Mildew Resistant

  • Fire Resistant

  • Antistatic

Discover the Marvels of Cork: Nature's Extraordinary Gift

Cork, an extraordinary natural material derived from the bark of cork oak trees, boasts remarkable attributes that set it apart. What distinguishes cork in the realm of eco-friendly resources is its harvesting process, which involves carefully peeling off the bark without causing harm to the trees. This sustainable practice has gained recognition from esteemed organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council, marking cork production as a pinnacle of responsible forestry.

Consider cork as nature's design masterpiece, specifically engineered by the cork oak tree with remarkable inherent qualities. Here's why cork stands out:

Always Renewing: Cork is renewable because the tree keeps growing new bark, ensuring we can always get more cork without hurting the tree.

Environmental Champion: Its extraction process not only preserves the integrity of the tree but also supports biodiversity in cork oak forests, fostering habitats for numerous plant and animal species.

Versatile Elegance: Beyond its ecological merits, cork's versatility is astounding. From insulation and flooring to fashion and design, its adaptability and aesthetic appeal make it an ideal choice across diverse industries.

Innate Protection: Cork possesses innate properties that create a natural barrier against moisture, pests, decay, and fire, making it an excellent choice for various applications requiring durability and safety.

Cork isn't just a material we use; it's a symbol of how we can work together with nature in a friendly way. It shows us how incredible our world can be when we find ways to use resources without harming the environment. Join us on a journey to unravel the fascinating world of cork—a testament to nature's ingenuity and the unparalleled benefits it offers to our everyday lives.

More Reasons to Love Cork

Excellent Acoustic Insulation

Cork possesses tiny impermeable bubbles of gas between its cells, and these are effectively partitioned by the Suberin (a waxy and rubbery substance with pronounced hydrophobic qualities) found within the cells. This unique composition imparts cork with low conductivity for both noise and vibration, making it an ideal material for incorporation into your eco-friendly home construction.

Excellent Thermal Insulation

Cork's honeycomb structure, housing gas within its small inter-cellular spaces, imparts the material with a low thermal conductivity and exceptional temperature resilience. This unique combination makes cork an excellent choice for insulation in housing, walls, and flooring. Additionally, its versatility extends to crafting bags, wallets, and jewelry, showcasing cork's ability to blend functionality with style across various applications.

Excellent Resistance to Fire and High Temperatures

Cork serves as a natural fire retardant, displaying the remarkable quality of not producing flames if ignited and emitting non-toxic smoke when burning. Furthermore, cork forests play a crucial role as a protective barrier against wildfires, contributing to their significance beyond their traditional uses.

Excellent Elasticity and Compressibility

Cork stands as the sole solid substance that, when compressed on one side, refrains from expanding in volume elsewhere. Thanks to its inherent elasticity, cork exhibits remarkable adaptability to temperature and pressure fluctuations without undergoing any deformations. The distinctive cellular structure of cork allows its cells to compress to approximately 15% of their original size, only to gradually revert to their initial shape and volume. This extraordinary property endows cork with the ability to absorb shocks, rendering it virtually indestructible.

Extremely Light and Buoyant

More than half of cork's volume comprises air, rendering it exceptionally lightweight at just 0.16 grams per cubic centimeter. This buoyancy allows it to effortlessly float.


The majority of allergies stem from exposure to mold and particles present in water, dust, and dirt. Cork's water-repellent nature, coupled with its resistance to absorbing dust and dirt, creates an environment where microbes like mold and bacteria are unable to penetrate the cells. Consequently, cork and cork-based products emerge as highly non-allergenic, providing a breathable and hypoallergenic solution.

Water Repellent

Cork cells contain Suberin, a waxy and rubbery substance with pronounced hydrophobic qualities, effectively repelling water. The presence of Suberin acts as a formidable barrier, preventing water from infiltrating the cells of the cork bark. This inherent water resistance not only makes cork products highly resilient to moisture but also inhibits the growth of mold and mildew, ensuring a durable and water-resistant solution.

High Friction Resistance and Good Resilience

Cork boasts exceptional resistance to abrasion, coupled with a high friction coefficient. The honeycomb structure inherent in cork contributes to its superior resilience against impact and friction, surpassing that of various other hard surfaces.

Comfortable and Warm Feeling

The innate texture of cork seamlessly blends softness and flexibility to the touch, featuring a naturally uneven surface. The varying degree of irregularity is influenced by the specific type of cork utilized and the chosen finish, adding a unique and distinctive character to the material.

Cork Oaks Create A Carbon Dioxide Sink

Cork forests play a vital role as carbon sinks, effectively extracting a substantial volume of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. These forests act as significant contributors, absorbing nearly 14 million tons of carbon dioxide annually. Notably, cork oaks exhibit an enhanced capacity to absorb CO2 during their natural regeneration phase following the harvesting of cork bark.

Cork Oaks Prevent Desertification

The roots of the cork oak possess the ability to store significant quantities of rainwater, establishing watersheds and absorbing nutrients from the depths of the earth. This unique feature enables cork oaks to serve as effective safeguards against soil erosion, a critical defense against the progression towards desertification. Reflecting this vital ecological role, an expression resonates: "Whoever cares for their grandchildren plants a cork oak," emphasizing the enduring and protective legacy these trees offer to future generations.

Cork Oaks Protect Endangered Animals

The acorns borne by cork oaks serve as a vital food source for numerous animal species inhabiting these forests. Within cork forests, crucial ecosystems of unparalleled biodiversity, a multitude of endangered species find their home. These forests stand among the most significant in the world, underscoring their paramount importance in fostering diverse and thriving habitats for a variety of wildlife.

100% Recyclable

Every cork harvested serves a purpose, ensuring zero waste in the cork industry. Cork of varying ages finds diverse applications—from young cork utilized for flooring, insulation, and sustainable fashion to the oldest cork employed in crafting wine stoppers. The entire spectrum of cork is entirely recyclable, contributing to a sustainable cycle. After its initial use, cork can be ground into pieces, ready to be repurposed in the creation of new and innovative items, embodying a commitment to environmental responsibility and resource efficiency.