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Life Hack: How to Manage External and Internal Noise in Your Home

Life Hack: How to Manage External and Internal Noise in Your Home

Living with noisy neighbors, near a bustling street, and hearing echoes bouncing off home walls can become very stressful. If you find yourself battling against the intrusion of unwanted noise, this blog aims to offer innovative acoustic life hacks tailored for your peace of mind – with a special spotlight on the remarkable properties of cork acoustic tiles.

Noise is more than an annoyance; it's a disruptor of tranquility and well-being. The World Health Organization highlights the health risks linked to excessive noise exposure, ranging from heightened stress to cardiovascular issues. Thus, managing noise isn't merely about comfort; it's a crucial factor in safeguarding your overall health.

Let's dive into some tried-and-true techniques alongside some surprising strategies:

Rugs and Carpets: Utilizing rugs and carpets not only adds charm but also absorbs sound, minimizing echoes while infusing warmth and color into your space.

Bookshelves as Sound Barriers: An unconventional yet effective approach involves filling bookshelves with diverse-sized books, functioning as a sound diffuser.

Door Seals and Window Inserts: Simple installations like door seals, weather stripping, and window inserts help block out unwanted noise from infiltrating your space.

White Noise Machines: Employing white noise machines can cloak disruptive sounds with calming alternatives like rainfall or ocean waves.

Enter the magic of cork wall tiles.

Among the innovative solutions available, cork wall tiles emerge as a stylish and functional acoustic remedy. These tiles absorb sound efficiently, diminishing echoes and background noise. Notably, cork wall tiles boast diverse designs, colors, and patterns, providing not only acoustic relief but also aesthetic enhancement to any room.

What sets cork wall tiles apart isn't solely their functionality. These tiles offer thermal insulation, fire resistance, and environmental friendliness, crafted from 100% renewable material. With simple DIY installation, cork wall tiles promise a fun, interactive project adaptable to any living space. 

Don't allow noise to overpower your sanctuary. Explore these acoustic life hacks to craft a serene living environment. Incorporate cork wall tiles into your design plan for an added layer of tranquillity. Find solace in your space, relishing the serenity it offers. Happy decorating, and may your home become your ultimate haven of peace and quiet!

Explore tiles and possibilities at today.